Friday 6 June 2014


I have a new obsession in my life.
It is Pentatonix.

They are an acapella band that I have just fallen in love with.
Basically what happened was that Scott and Mitch were on YouTubers react, because they have their own channel called SuperFruit.

I wanted to check out their channel and once I saw that they had done a collab with Tyler Oakley I immediately approved of them haha.
I got addicted to SuperFruit pretty fast. I mean Mitch and Scott are hilarious, they are amazing at singing and I just binge watched like all of their videos in one night. It's hard to say which one is my favourite but I am really digging their Frozen Melody...
Oh actually, the first video I really liked was their 101 Ways To Ditch Your Friends it sounds so mean but I thought it was funny. Also when I like a video it automatically tweets so I had to delete that tweet so my friends didn't think I was going out of my way to find reasons not to hang out with them haha. I love my friends and I do want to hang out with them!
Eventually after I had watched all their videos I decided to finally check out Pentatonix. I don't know why I put it off I just did haha. I think I was afraid I wouldn't like the band as much as Mitch and Scott alone...that sounds weird but I'm like that.
But they are actually amazing...
I learnt they won this show Sing-Off which I have never heard of but they are amazing for a group that hadn't met until days before their first performance.

One of my favourite songs they did on the Sing-Off was the mashup of Since You've Been Gone and Forget You it was soo good...I also binge watched all of the Pentatonix videos and all the PTX vlogs too...
I don't know what it is about them...
Like there's not just one thing I just think they are awesome.
I like everyone in the band pretty equally but if I had to say anything it's that Scott's voice...I'm in love with it. Like I don't know, he does happen to take the lead in a lot of songs but his voice is just one that I could listen to all the time. In the song Natural Disaster's just so good...

Also Avi's voice? That is also amazing. Like dude...I didn't know people could do bass with their voices. This is news to me. But yeah his voice is so deep and I never expected's just not something you hear everyday haha. Also when I was on Avi's Twitter I noticed he does like to take stalker photos of Kevin a lot hahahahaha that's also very interesting....

I do love Kevin, Mitch and Kirstie too of course. And I hate to say it but Scott and Avi's voices are my favourite. Mitch does really good Sharpie sounds though I must give him that haha. I kept thinking about that the other day because I could hear my pen making noise against the paper and it just reminded me of Mitch haha.

Kevin is a great beat boxer and his little thing with Avi in the middle of the Since You've Been Gone/Forget You mash up was most favourite thing ever. These guys are just so amazing. Also he is a great dancer.

Finally Kirstie...the girl of the group haha. I think she's amazing, in the Frozen Melody she did with Scott and Mitch she sounded exactly like Kristen's soo good. She is also super pretty and also the lead of a song if Scott is not the lead. I really like her voice too...

And so yeah...I just wanted to make an appreciation blog post. Normally when I become obsessed with something new my friends don't get it. I mean I don't know...I tend to be extreme with things I either love it to death or I hate's hard to know if there is an in between haha.
Right now I am obsessed with their cover of Cruisin' For a Bruisin' from Teen Beach Movie. Unfortunately I can't get it on iTunes in the UK yet and I'm sad. I did watch the Disney version but I think it's trying way too hard to be Grease than anything yeah...I didn't want to like the song because it was Disney but Disney do have some great songs...I mean Frozen, High School Musical, Hannah Montana...I love the songs from those.
I have yet to watch Teen Beach Movie and I don't think I ever will watch it since my friend told me it was bad. So I think I'll just enjoy my one song.
Anyway yeah...that's everything.
I'm pretty sure there will be another blog post coming soon. About my love for this new game that just got released. Tomodachi Life. I have yet to purchase it but I have to wait until after my exams or else revision will go out the window. But until then...back to listening to PTX.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin in that video is literally me XD Not even kidding, I do that all the time. XD
