Friday 27 June 2014

Demi Lovato - Really Don't Care Music Video

I just watched this video. I love the song and I love the video.
My thing is that the song and the video don't go together? I mean the lyrics in the song is basically about this ex boyfriend who was awful...the chorus may fit as it's like not caring what people think but I just...I don't know. It doesn't fit.
That doesn't mean I am hating the video or the song but I just mean they could be two separate things and that would be okay.
I guess it's just a personal thing like hate on me for that if you want but I saw worse in the comments of this  video.
One thing for sure is...people always assume if you support gay rights you are a homosexual. Like there are so many comments on this video asking if Demi is a lesbian. Um...okay...I mean is it so hard to believe someone who is straight supports gay rights? Plus who cares? I mean I guess it's the same with everyone who asks this question, does it really matter what the person's sexual orientation is? I mean does that really affect anything?
Because to me it doesn't? I mean why should it. Unless you are trying to date someone it's not important because it doesn't affect you. I just don't know why people ask. I mean I guess I do, curiosity mostly. I mean sometimes I wonder about people's sexual orientation but I don't ever ask them because I find it to be kind of rude.
Another thing is people hating on this video. I mean I guess that's normal. Lots of people like to express hate on the internet and it often weighs out the positives but these people weren't hating on Demi they were hating on the actual content in the video. Which...just shows how many people out there are homophobic and arrogant and rude on.
Something else was people saying how this is inappropriate for Demi's fans of a younger age group and comparing it to Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez who have also put out inappropriate videos.
I'd say Demi's is not as inappropriate..and I have never seen Selena put out something inappropriate other than being in Spring Breakers, which if you are a good parent you wouldn't let your child see. But like...the only things I see that might be inappropriate are naked mannequins and maybe dancing? I don't know.
While yes we do want to keep our children's innocence forever (even though no I can't really talk because I am only 17) we should educate them on this. They will at some point in their lives see a man dressed as a woman or vice versa and also see homosexual is common now.
I mean there are loads of inappropriate songs/music videos out there and I have to say this one wasn't as inappropriate as others...let's be real.
So yeah...I don't know I guess it's all I have to say. I really liked the video, I like Demi and I like this song. I just don't understand where all these comments are coming from. And I only looked at 2 pages of the comments and I hardly saw any positive ones. Which says a lot again.
But yeah I guess everyone has their own opinion and this was mine. I know I am hating on the haters but I had a lot of thoughts about this and I know I couldn't have tweeted it because it would've been too long haha that's what blogging is for. :P

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