Monday 14 July 2014

Summer of YouTube

So far since summer has started for me the thing I tend to do most is spend time on YouTube.
Don't get me wrong I still play Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life on a regular basis but YouTube is definitely my huge thing.
YouTube has always been a big part of my life since I became part of the internet. That sounds weird but I definitely am a part of the internet with all my social media.
Anyway this year I have been very into YouTube because I have started to make videos. And this time I am trying to take it seriously.
I have made YouTube videos before but they were never to be taken seriously - that is why those channels have been deleted.
Plus this time I am actually creating content myself I used to be one of those people who tried to make lyric videos or made really bad Windows Movie Maker videos because I could never find something interesting to make a video about.
I have always wanted to try vlogging though. I don't really know why I just thought it might be fun.
With the discovery of all these YouTubers that put themselves out there I thought I could be one too.
Mostly because I tend to put a lot of myself on the internet. It's just another platform for me to do it on.
I don't consider myself to be anything special though. I just like to make videos. Which I think is what everyone really feels when they start on YouTube. Although I realise now that people realise you can get famous on YouTube that is what they aim for.
I'm no aiming for YouTube fame though. That's not what I want. Yes, it would be an amazing opportunity to be "YouTube famous" but I feel like a lot of YouTubers are on YouTube for a higher reason. A bigger aspiration. Many want to be actors/directors/film makers. And they are able to use YouTube as a way to do that.
As for me, I just wanted to mess around with a camera and try to create things that weren't so sucky.
So I do end up spending a lot of time on YouTube but I think it's a lot of fun and it makes me feel more productive than just sitting around doing nothing all day. At least with YouTube I am doing something that is productive which is seen through the videos that I post.
I mean I don't know if I want to keep doing this forever but I just wanted to take a step into that world.
So far I have 22 subscribers and about half of them I know in real life. I mean we all have to start somewhere.
But yeah I don't know I just wanted to blog about this. I don't even know if there was a point to this. I just haven't made a blog post in a while and so I thought I would make one about this. So yeah.
I mean I have always thought of myself as more of a blogger than a vlogger but who knows? Maybe I can do both. I mean technically I already am. :P

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