Tuesday 1 April 2014

How I Met Your Mother Finale

This isn't going to be pretty.
So I was on Facebook and I saw Gossip Cop had said that the fans of How I Met Your Mother weren't reacting well to the finale so I decided to read the article.
Now if you haven't watched the finale, please stop watching as soon as Ted says "And that kids, is how I met your mother."
Because after that..
I mean...
Oh God...
Like really...there are so many things I didn't like about the ending and it's not just the actual end of it.
One of the big things was Barney and Robin.
I mean this WHOLE SEASON we have been preparing for their wedding and we have been excited to see them together because they went through so much to finally get to this point...you know I really shipped them, they were so good.
And then they get divorced.
Literally like half an hour after they got married in the last episode they end up getting divorced. I seriously hated that. I mean if you were going to make the whole of season nine a big deal about their wedding then they should have lasted longer than an episode.
I know in hypothetical terms it's meant to be three years later but when you watch the last few episodes in a row because you don't want to believe what you read, they were seriously only married for about two minutes. That's how I felt.
And then the way they kept fast forwarding through the years...it was kind of nice but I feel like it went too fast, it was rushed and they didn't really do the aging thing very well..
The one thing I will say is that when Barney held his love child and said those things he did, that was a really sweet moment. But I really expected things for Barney to change way more than that.
As for Marshall and Lily...I can't really complain, their fate was sealed. I mean they were always going to end up living a good life no matter where they were headed.
But then Robin just disappeared for like most of that and it really bugged me that she suddenly became famous and forgot all about her friends. Although I guess it happens after you divorce one of them and almost ended up with another one.
It's just one of those things that could have been done way better.
AND THEN we get to the part where they talk about the mother, she dies!
You wait NINE seasons to meet this woman and she doesn't even have a happy ending? I mean the show is called How I Met Your Mother, and so that's the part we wanted to know!
It was a plot twist and because it's April Fools day I was kind of hoping that things didn't end the way people said they did and it was some kind of joke...no.
The mother dies and then the kids talk about how Ted should totally go out with Aunt Robin,
I mean what can I really say about that?
Not a lot.
I just find it so sad because after everything that happened I thought that when Ted met the mother - I know I should have looked up her name but what does that matter? She died! - that that would be it. He met the mother, they had kids, it was amazing they also lived happily ever after like Marshall and Lily.
Ted has to end up with Robin.
I mean I guess if they had done the series in a totally different way I would be happy with that ending.
But they didn't.
Like I guess they tried to make it funny but I wasn't feeling it. I mean it just wasn't done in a good way.
And I thought Glee was bad last week...
But seriously, I did like Ted and Robin together, and I thought that if they were going to get together then she would have ended up being the mother.
I seriously did think that Robin and Barney had a chance, but obviously they didn't which made this entire last season seem totally pointless.
Please tell me that I am not the only one that feels this way?
Like I know everyone always compared Friends to How I Met Your Mother, well they definitely can't say that anymore. Friends had a great ending. This...this was just...ugh. Not what I thought it would be.
In my head the show will just always have ended with the words "That's how I met your mother."
Because the rest was just terrible in my opinion anyway...I'm just saying, we waited nine seasons for that...

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