Saturday 16 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy and The Purge: Anarchy

So last week I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy and yesterday I went to see the Purge and I thought I would just give my thoughts on them.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Well first off let me put it out there that I am not a Marvel fan. Which kind of makes you wonder why I went to see this movie. I mean I really don't understand superhero movies although I am a girly girl so things like this often phase me.
Basically this person I follow on Tumblr is obsessed with Marvel and she posts gifs and things all the time, and you'd think if this annoyed me I would just unfollow her. But the thing is, on Tumblr everyone has more than one fandom and so this person likes Marvel but they also like Fifty Shades of Grey so that's why I follow them. Also I normally can't be bothered to unfollow people and so I keep them on my dash anyway.
But yeah this person posted loads of gifs from Guardians of the Galaxy and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with Groot. Because everyone is obsessed.
So this movie was okay. I mean I guess I wasn't that into it because it was about space and there was a lot of fighting and action and I am just not into that. I mean okay what do you expect from something made by Marvel but I sat through it anyway.
I mean it had it's funny points and it's good points. Like yes, I understand why people really liked Groot but at the same time I wasn't so emotionally attached that I cried.
My favourite thing was probably when they were getting ready to battle and they played Cherry Bomb by the Runaways. I loved the Runaways movie and the song haha.
But yeah I mean I'm surprised I made it through because it seemed like such a long movie. And I don't like movies where you can feel the time passing because then it's not a good movie.
When I came home I looked up the movie on IMDB which I always do after I see a movie. I didn't even know this was based on a comic book, although I should have guessed because it's Marvel but hey you learn new things every day.
The story was a little bit hard to follow if you have no idea what's going on when you step into the movie theatre. Or maybe that was just me but I was wondering what the deal was and who was who and why things were a big deal, I mean I managed to figure it out in the end but even so it was a bit confusing.
But yeah I honestly think I didn't like it because it was a genre that I am not a fan of. I mean at least you can't say I didn't even go and see the movie and decide I didn't like it. I did watch it, but I didn't find it that enjoyable to watch and I probably wouldn't watch it again.

The Purge: Anarchy
So I have seen the first Purge movie, I saw it at my friend's sleepover at the start of the year and that was a good movie. Again, it's not something I typically go for but I did enjoy it. Which sounds weird when you think about it, considering what the movie was about.
Anyway I was really excited that there was a second one because it was a good movie and this one was hopefully going to be the same.
I have to say they definitely upped their game on this one. The last one was only about what one household had to deal with, in this one we had those guys in trucks, the people with the masks, two people who were saved by a stranger, a guy out on the Purge for revenge and these two people who got stuck outside with nowhere to go.
Obviously all these people were going to have to meet up because following more than one person's storyline in a movie is kind of hard if they don't eventually meet up with the other people.
I found this movie to be very interesting, I mean obviously, you want to know what's going to happen to people, who the people were in the masks and why they are after others. And of course this is a movie with a lot of blood and death. Which usually isn't my type of thing but I guess it depends how they do it.
It was really interesting because you wanted to know who all these people were that were after the main group of people and you wanted to know why they were going after them. Obviously you don't find out until towards the end of the movie but they like to keep you in suspense.
Again, this movie did seem a bit long...which I said I didn't like but I guess if you are going to document 12 hours into a shorter time space you have to make it a little longer.
Although I have to say at the end when there was only five minutes left of the Purge, it was the longest five minutes of my life haha. I mean so much happened in that last part of the movie with a lot of plot twists that you didn't really know what was happening...
But it was a good movie and I did enjoy it more than Guardians of the Galaxy. At the same time this isn't a movie I would think about rewatching at least not a lot haha.

So yeah those are my thoughts. I could have probably said a lot more if I had remembered more about the movies but yeah. I hadn't been to the cinema in a long time but when summer started I have ended up going three times. I also went to see 22 Jump Street but I don't have a lot to say about that since I really don't remember what happened haha. It was entertaining and better than the first one I feel though.
I don't know if I will do more reviews of movies and things, mostly because I don't feel like I comment on a lot of things, usually I either like it or I don't...and that's my opinion haha.

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