Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Would You Rather... | Pages 9 and 160 | The Pointless Book

Would you rather is something that is very popular on YouTube however when people ask YouTubers would you rathers they are all really sexual or really gross...I am so glad that The Pointless Book found a happy medium haha.
So if you want to watch the video of me answering these "Would you rather" pages, it's below:

As for the actual pages, this is the first one.

I have decided to go through all of them and give a brief description of why I chose them. I know I already did this in my video but I feel like I can always explain things better when I have had time to think about what I am going to say haha.

Would you rather...
  1. Have wings or fins?
    I chose wings because flying in my opinion is much cooler than swimming. Also I have a fear of the water, even though if I had fins I'd be okay? I don't know. I'd just rather be up high in the world. Considering I am not a tall person it would be like exploring a whole new world
  2. Have sweets for dinner everyday for a month or have a pint of curdled milk?
    I feel like this one is self explanatory. I mean I don't even have a sweet tooth but drinking milk that's gone off is a no go.
  3. Have no elbows or no knees?
    Considering I am not that active of a person I think I could live without walking. Plus I need my elbows so that I can have hands so that I can use my computer, duh.
  4. Be in a cave of spiders or snakes?
    I hate spiders a lot. So snakes is probably best...I mean I wouldn't cope well in either situation but I feel like snakes would be more bearable...
  5. Swim with crocodiles or sharks?
    Neither seem to appealing but why do I feel like sharks sound less threatening than crocodiles? I have no idea...
  6. Drink your own urine or eat your own vomit?
    Um...again I'd rather not do either but urine seems not as bad as vomit.
  7. Fight a horse sized duck or 100 horse sized ducks?
    I don't think a duck would be too much hassle to be honest...
  8. Have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?
    Again I'd need to have my regular fingers so I can use my computer and stuff. And besides, who even needs walking anymore? You can get almost everything delivered to your house.
  9. Be sexually attracted to fruit or have Cheetos dust permanently stuck to your fingers?
    I feel like you could probably live with loving fruit. But not being able to get something off of your fingers is just unbearable. Especially crisp dust. Ugh.
  10. Speak any language fluently or be able to speak to animals?
    Not a big animal person so I feel like being able to talk to them would be a waste. Plus learning to speak another language can benefit me in the future. Plus if I said things under my breath in a different language people would have no idea what I was saying so it's a win win situation.
This was also the page where we got to scan and see Alfie's answers! Honestly, that whole thing was a bit fiddly to do because I was holding my phone weirdly and it stopped working and it was this whole ordeal but I did manage to get it sorted. 
I won't give away Alfie's answers but I will say that we actually answered a lot of them similarly...which I think is very interesting haha.

To the second page:

I was sad there weren't as many questions to answer on this page but I do have to say these ones were harder to answer. But I was finally able to choose.

Would you rather...
  1. Be boiling hot or freezing cold?
    As much as I like heat, I don't think I would physically be able to cope with being boiling hot. Sweating is so gross.
  2. Have your computer memory wiped or have your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?
    I have a lot of things on my computer I'd rather not lose. Plus my internet history is mostly fangirling, stalking people on Facebook and looking up hot guys shirtless. No secrets here.
  3. Drink a cup of public swimming pool water or sea water?
    Chlorine is horrible. So sea water seems like the better option. Plus it doesn't say how big the cup needs to be. It could be tiny.
  4. Hiccup for the rest of your life or feel like you have to sneeze but can't for the rest of your life?
    You always feel satisfied after you sneeze so I feel like if we didn't have that we would crack up so hiccuping it long as they aren't the violent kind...
  5. Listen to one song for the rest of your life or never have to listen to the same song twice?
    Probably the hardest choice out of all of them to make. I mean I only listen to a few songs more than once and eventually I would run out of songs to listen to if I couldn't listen to them more than once. So I feel like choosing one song to be my anthem forever is the best. I'd probably go with High School Musical.
  6. Not be able to use the internet or not be able to listen to music?
    I have lived on the internet for my entire teenage life. How could I ever give that up?
And there you go. Those were my would you rather choices. Do you agree with them?
These things are always hard to answer because you always try to find exceptions and conditions to the would you rather statement that defeats the whole purpose of the game. Even so....having to make choices like this make me realise I am probably not equipped to make any big decisions anytime soon...Even though I just applied to university...
I have such optimism! Haha.
But yeah I really like sitting and filling in these Pointless Book pages. I also like it because it encourages me to be productive because I want to film a video and make a blog post on top of just filling in the page itself. I know it seems like a lot of work but for someone who doesn't have a job and has a lot of free time it's definitely a hobby I enjoy.
So I hope to continue it...I have no idea what to do when the book is completely finished. But I think that's something to think about closer to the end...
So until then let's enjoy it while we have it shall we?

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Turning Pages With... and More! | Pages 114, 81, 83, 129, 165, 132, 133 & 140 | The Pointless Book

A lot of things happening in this Pointless Book video! Not a lot to blog about but quite an entertaining video that is for sure. :)

I hope you enjoyed the video. I mean I kind of did. Looking back I realised I do look like a complete weirdo but I think these are the things we like to do for the internet sometimes.
Below I have a screenshot of my notes page in case for some reason you wanted to have a better look:

I'll never know why I chose to put some ICT homework notes in there but I will definitely look back at this and wonder what the heck it means haha.
I also have a photo of my random tweet - well not my tweet - the one my friend tweeted from my account:

Oh the memories.
But yes, I do seem to have cleared through quite a lot of pages with this one blog post but this is still the start of things there are so many pages I have yet to do. And I will not stop until I get through them all. Well I might stop sometimes...but I will complete this book! I am determined to!