Tuesday, 28 October 2014

My Favourite... Revisited and Biting Pages | Pages 27 & 28 | The Pointless Book

Another update from my Pointless Book! Can you believe it has been a month since I last filled anything in? I can. It sucks that it's been so long.
Anyway, today we revisited my favourites page! If you want to check out my post from last month click here.
So surprisingly not a lot of my favourites changed which kind of makes for a boring blog post and video but I still filled it in as required haha.

Above is my completed page, as you can see not a lot has changed. But still I will give you an overview of why these things are my favourite just because I don't know how well I explained them in my video:
  • Book: Fifty Shades Darker - this one is the same as last month. Nothing too exciting about that. Plus I haven't exactly read anything else since last month so  I don't really know how I could have a new favourite. I should probably get back into reading...
  • Song: Do the Catwalk by Girls' Generation (SNSD) - I discovered this song one day on iTunes and I kind of fell in love with it. I don't exactly know why but I am all for Girls' Generation songs, especially now since Jessica is gone I definitely treasure their songs as a group of 9. I mean I will continue to support them without Jessica but it's still sad. Anyway, this song is just really cool, I don't know how to describe it other than that it's just really different from a lot of their other songs and I really like it.
  • Colour: Black - I doubted that this was going to change from last month I mean I've had the same favourite colour since forever
  • YouTuber - I actually left this one blank this month mainly because I couldn't think of a YouTuber that really stood out to me this month. I just really love all my YouTubers equally and so I couldn't choose between them all haha.
  • Friend - As I explained before I think it's mean to choose between your friends and so I left this one blank
  • Blogger: Tyler Oakley - He is my queen and will forever continue to be
  • Video Game: Sims 4 - There hasn't been many new games out recently and plus I haven't exactly had time to play any so Sims 4 is still my favourite
  • Film: Twilight - If you didn't know I am a Twihard. I even made a whole video talking about this. I just don't know what it is about the story but I am in love with it and it is definitely one of my favourite movies of all time.
  • Website: YouTube - I use this on a regular basis and while TweetDeck was fun I have reverted back to using my regular Twitter feed for the most part. 
And those were all my favourites! I know not a lot of them changed but I didn't know if any of them would or not. I mean a month is a short period of time. I suspect these will definitely change over years but who has time to write down their favourites every year? Oh wait...some YouTubers lol.
Anyway since it had been a while since I had filled in part of my Pointless Book I also decided to do the page before my favourites page and that was the page that asked you to take a bite out of the page.  This is what mine ended up looking like:

As you can see it did leave a huge rip down the middle of my page and that's why I am so glad I took a photo of my favourites page before this happened. News flash: those pages do not taste nice lol.
If you guys want to watch the video where I take a bite out of my Pointless Book and I fill in my favourites it is below:

I know I haven't filled in a lot of pages as I said but I have filmed a few more Pointless Book videos to go up soon and so you will be getting more blog posts to go along with them. Yay! :)

Friday, 24 October 2014


A movie about a creepy doll. Ooh that's never been done before.
So a while ago I went to see Annabelle and honestly...not the scariest film I've ever seen. To be honest I am not a horror film person so I haven't seen a lot of them but this...? This wasn't that great.
So yeah I'm here to give my thoughts on the movie.
The main peace of advice I would like to give you for this movie is...Don't watch the trailers.
I mean you may want to, just because you want to know what the film is about and everything but please don't. Especially if you don't want any spoilers. I mean I watched two different trailers before the film, mainly just to hype myself up because I'm crazy like that but I just wanted to know what to expect but almost every scary part of that movie were in the trailers.I guess it depends what trailers you watched but in the ones that I watched, I basically covered everything I needed to see that might scare me.
I think there was only one or two parts in the film where I was actually a little bit scared about what happened but I think I may have only jumped once. So I didn't exactly freak out over anything too big.
However if you asked my friends, it's a different story, two of them screamed and so they were definitely scared haha.
We're all different that way, depending on your tolerance of scary movies.
I didn't think I would handle it but honestly it's not as scary as you think it will be. For me it definitely wasn't anyway. It's not like the doll moves.
I mean we were all expecting it to. Everytime there was a close up we were all on the edge of our seats waiting for it to blink but it did not.
This is because the doll isn't technically possessed. Like I did my research - I even looked up the real story of the real Annabelle doll. Not sure what website I went on but it had pictures of the real doll and the website started to play music and that freaked me out for real so I decided to just copy the text to a word document so it was easier to read and I didn't have to look at the doll.
Anyway, the doll is obviously holding a demon spirit but it's not controlling the doll, it's just using it as a device to stay in this world to look for a human to possess. I don't even know if I described that in the best way but long story short, the doll DOES NOT MOVE.
It IS being moved by something else - a.k.a the demon. You can see it in the movie at one point standing holding the doll. My friend said she never saw it but she just saw the doll. Which is weird.
But yeah, I mean the night I was doing my research I thought I would be scared by the movie, just because the more you actually just stare at the poster of the doll it gets creepier...so I obviously wanted to know what happened in the movie. I scanned the synopsis on the internet so I knew what happened at the end. I guess that does spoil things but I need to be prepared for this stuff.
Like I said I am not a horror film fan so going into watch something I have no idea about freaks me out and I need to know the deal. With this film nothing tragic happens, I mean something does but like you sort of expect it and it's not like anything too graphic happens either.
Mostly your typical horror movie things. I mean I don't know what I was really expecting.
My main thing about this movie is - why would you think that doll was great to bring home to your child in the first place? It looks mega creepy from the start. And I know that the real life doll is different but I mean it just doesn't make any sense.
Not that I believe in things like this, I normally have to see it in real life to believe it. At the same time I doubt you will see me at the museum where the real Annabelle doll is kept anytime soon. I mean I don't want to take the chance you never know.
But yeah I am glad they went with a different doll because if they had used one that looked like the original I definitely think it would have made the movie scarier. I mean obviously the doll on its own doesn't look like much but put it in a scenario like this and it will.
Back to the movie as a whole - it was okay. I think I had more fun watching my friends reaction than anything haha. Does that make me a mean person?
I don't know.
Also in this movie the husband just seems to abandon his wife and child, I get that he has to work all the time but isn't this always the way? Something tragic happens to your pregnant wife so she's stuck in bed until birth and he's off to work away from home? Like what's wrong with you?!
I mean we know he has to work for a living and finish med school and all that but like if your neighbours were just murdered and these same murderers came to your house and tried to kill your wife wouldn't you stay home? Just until the baby was born?
I don't know. He's a bad parent.
Plus thinking his wife was crazy is not the best thing either. But I think I know where he's coming from with that one.
But yeah, I don't think I have too much else to say about the film, other than why call your child something that is very similar to the mother's name. So similar that you can't even tell who they are talking about, I think the movie names were Leah and Mia or something like that. Either way it was like "who are they talking about?"
I gotta say the ending was pretty good. I mean no the story didn't focus on the room mates at the start of The Conjuring but it does end with the beginning of that story. Would that mean there's going to be another one? I hope not. Like I read what happened with them as that's the main original story and so it wouldn't be anything new.
I guess overall I am kind of done with this series of movies. I don't know there was just nothing about them that really grabbed my attention it was just kind of boring. Maybe I did spoil it for myself but even if I hadn't I don't think there could have been anything there that would have made me jump more or even scream.
But I guess that must mean I'm not easily scared haha.
Well I don't know if this was a review or not but let me know what you guys thought if you went to see the movie. I don't even think I could rate this movie considering I don't have a lot of horror movie knowledge to compare it many movies....oh well......

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Learn more about me!

Since I started YouTube over the summer I thought it would be a good idea for the world to know more about me. As if I didn't share enough of my life online via Twitter and Facebook...but yeah I don't know I was bored and I thought I might as well so please enjoy these videos if you want to know more about the girl behind the blog...

50 facts about me!

The TMI Tag!