Tuesday, 29 July 2014

How I Met Your Mother

I saw this on my Tumblr feed the other day - someone explains perfectly how I and many other people feel about the HIMYM finale...

Monday, 28 July 2014

My Animal Crossing Story

I have decided to tell you the story of my Animal Crossing obsession tonight. I mean I kind of started to tell the story of how much I played Animal Crossing last summer but it sort of turned into me telling my whole Animal Crossing story haha...so here it goes...
I have been a huge fan of Animal Crossing since I got my first Animal Crossing game. I joined this fandom in Wild World. I don't really know why I got the game or anything but I really liked it. It was cute, simple and you could do whatever you wanted.
I have pretty much always remembered one thing about my first ever Animal Crossing town - I cut down all the trees because they got in my way and then I realised you actually need trees haha. It was heartbreaking because I didn't want to plant trees again but at the same time I didn't want to restart my town. I did end up resetting though and since then I have restarted my Wild World game countless times.
After that I did get Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City. I mean I pretty much only got my Wii for that reason. I really loved the DS game but it was time to move on to something better. The Wii game was honestly not that great. I mean at the time I loved it, it was something new and the city feature was exciting but there weren't many events or anything like that.
Then a couple of years ago I decided to start an Animal Crossing Tumblr. I was bored one summer and thought it was an original idea. Obviously I had no idea how big the Animal Crossing fandom was. I didn't even know we had one but we do and they are all on Tumblr haha.
I like my blog, I mean I don't really know why people find it interesting because honestly I don't find it that interesting. It was just that there was a feature on the Wii where you could take screenshots and I took a lot of them. I used to post them to Facebook but obviously my Facebook friends weren't interested so I took them to Tumblr because someone was bound to like them there. I just felt that if you didn't share the photos, what was the point in taking them?
When I found out about the 3DS Animal Crossing game I was super excited. But at the same time I didn't know what I was going to do because I didn't have a 3DS. My brother had one but I didn't know if I could really get another console just for one game. I mean I do have other games for my Wii but it was mostly for Animal Crossing. At the time I didn't have to worry about it because it was about a year from the game's release.
I remember seeing lots of things on Tumblr about it and seeing the first YouTube video about it and I was so excited. They made so many changes to the game and I was more than ready for it. Of course I have always wondered what the Gamecube version of the game was like, I never owned a Gamecube so I didn't know about it. I had tried using an emulator before but it ran so slow that I couldn't play it properly...I remember that it was so slow that I was playing for an hour but only like four minutes of game time passed which is mega slow.
I was never really into Animal Crossing: Let's Plays at this time, or any Let's Plays. I don't even think I knew what they were two years ago...
But when it came closer to the time of Animal Crossing: New Leaf's release I had to look into it. It was the only way I was going to find out more about the game. I am pretty sure the first person I came across playing the game was Josh Thomas from the Bitblock. He had gotten an advanced copy of the Japanese game and he was so funny.
Josh is great I still watch him today and he is the only person I think I can watch actually play Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life. I have tried watching GamExplain a few times but I don't like them as much and I have watched iJustine play but she doesn't play enough haha. So really I only watch Josh from the Bitblock play Nintendo games. Which is totally fine because he's great at it.
All my tweets from last summer were me commenting on Josh's videos I mean I started watching his videos late in the game so he already had loads of Animal Crossing videos uploaded so I didn't find myself waiting ages for the next one.
Eventually the time came when I had to find a way to get a 3DS and Animal Crossing. My birthday was coming up but I didn't want to ask for it because I felt like it might be too much. I mean it was. A 3DS is so expensive and I had my eye on the Animal Crossing Limited Edition 3DS XL which was super expensive. Plus I didn't have a job and I had zero money.
Thankfully, I did manage to ask for a 3DS for my birthday and my mum bought me one, and the game. I was super happy. No, I didn't get the Limited Edition DS but that didn't matter because I had the game and the console which means I could play.
So on the 20th June 2013 I became mayor of Serenity.

This was a huge deal for me. I mean I knew it was going to take over my life but I didn't know just how much. I literally played everyday and still do...
Now that it has been a year I don't feel myself wanting to play as much. The novelty has worn off. I mean I'm sure it has for everyone as I don't see as many people post on Tumblr anymore....but I will get to more of that later.
When I got Animal Crossing: New Leaf I was most excited to wifi with my friend Emelie. We had met the summer before on Instagram because I wanted someone to wifi with on Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City. Emelie is from Sweden so we do have a bit of a time difference but she is super nice and we actually have a lot in common and meeting her was a blessing because she is my first ever Animal Crossing friend.
We don't wifi as much anymore because we are both busy with school and things but we definitely go way back...

Through Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City I also met Jade. We played Animal Crossing quite a bit together but kind of lost touch after that one summer. I mean we wifi-ed once or twice since then but people get busy and so we haven't spoken in a long time.

I made a couple of other friends from Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City but none that I have really spoken to since then. Plus, with New Leaf being released I haven't played Let's Go To The City in a long time. Apart from one time that Emelie and my new friend Nathan wanted to for old time's sake.

Since then Nintendo has shut down the wifi services for the Wii and so we can no longer wifi which is sad because I have officially lost touch with those people who I met in Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City. I mean I am pretty sure I met these people through social media but I didn't ever take notice of usernames and things at the time.
So with New Leaf, I did make a lot of new friends. Mostly through the help of Club Tortimer. It is this option in Animal Crossing: New Leaf that let's you wifi with people around the world on an island. Which is always something you have to be cautious of, stranger danger and all of that. But I never ran into anyone there that was too rude. I did meet people who came to the island and then left but that was about it.
I remember the first time I came to the island and met someone I really liked, I was sad because I think I ended up taking her friendcode down wrong and then we never became friends. Which really sucked because she was really nice...
After that I did meet one person whose friendcode I got right and through her I actually met all my other Animal Crossing friends. I mean we have ourselves a little community of people who are really cool now and I really like them all. So the girl I met on the island that time was named Olivia. She and her sister Charlie shared an Animal Crossing game and I got to wifi with them at different times.

Through them I met Synyster and J Balls. They were brother and sister but they didn't share a game cartridge. They were very different and I definitely found myself taking more of a liking to Synyster than her brother...

I met a few other people through Olivia and Charlie as well as Synyster and J Balls but it's hard to tell who now. I mean when you wifi with someone and you are in their town and one of their friends stops by, you automatically add them and they add you back so you have a new 3DS friend just like that.
Olivia and Charlie had to delete all of their 3DS friends that they didn't know personally after the summer as they were too young to have people they didn't know as friends. Which kind of sucked because it means I haven't really heard from them in a while. I follow them on Miiverse so at least there's that.
Synyster played Animal Crossing a lot up until recently. I talked with her a lot because we always seemed to play at the same times and we talked about how no one plays Animal Crossing anymore. She has recently become addicted to Tomodachi Life and I can relate to that, so I don't see her on Animal Crossing as much...
Through Emelie I made a good friend, Nathan. It was during one of the fireworks shows and we kind of just clicked. I have no idea what it was but we became really close last summer. Emelie, Nathan and I wifi-ed every Sunday for the fireworks shows in August and so we talked a lot. We also had our fair share of drama with the fourth person who joined the wifi sessions but that has been put behind us.

Through Nathan I met a few other people as well. One person who didn't seem to like me for no apparent reason but that was fine. I think he figured out I only used him to buy things from his Nook shop because he had time travelled and expanded it before me. Which I know is horrible haha. But we all did it...
I also made a few other friends myself, I met this guy from Vine and made a few American friends, who I don't wifi a lot with because of time differences.
Still...last summer I did spend a lot of time glued to my DS and if I wasn't doing that I was blogging about it. It sounds crazy but I did have a good time. I mean obviously it's not that healthy but if I was online and talking to someone they were online too.
But as new games for the 3DS were released people seemed to leave Animal Crossing behind. The most notable one taking people was Pokemon X and Y. I admit I did buy Pokemon X but I would not let that get in the way of Animal Crossing. But a lot of people did.
We all actually used to keep in touch outside of Animal Crossing using the Nintendo Letter system. It was really fun and I loved sending letters to people that way and talking to them when we weren't playing Animal Crossing. Unfortunately Nintendo stopped the wifi service for that because apparently people were trading nudes for Pokemon...which sounds so bizarre to me but people were doing it.
So we haven't been able to talk other than Animal Crossing but since people have stopped playing...we don't really communicate.
Since they released Miiverse for the 3DS I have been able to follow all my 3DS friends there and sort of know what's up on the gaming side of things but even then we don't use it to talk.
It just seems as though we have grown apart which really sucks because I liked having Animal Crossing friends. I mean like I said earlier, I don't play as much as I used to mostly because when you play almost everyday for a year nothing else really happens you know? You've kind of seen it all...
It doesn't mean I'm ready to leave my game behind. It's been a big part of my life and to just never pick it up again would be terrible. So I still play, about half an hour to an hour everyday. It's kind of nice to do after a day of school or whatever else, it's very calming.
I do still keep in touch with Nathan and Emelie, we have kik so we can talk there. As for everyone else I don't really hear from them. I mean it makes sense, we all have to move on with our lives eventually. You can't always spend everyday sitting on your DS. As much as we'd like to we have to grow up and deal with the real world.
But I always like to look back. I don't regret my choice to stay home all of last summer. I mean okay maybe I do a little bit but I still made a lot of good friends. I mean I think we all have that one summer where we didn't really do anything.
I mean I have had a few summers like that but even so...I definitely enjoyed my last summer.
As for this year I am definitely doing a lot more things than last, I am making an effort to see my real life friends, I am still blogging and I started a YouTube channel so things are definitely changing.
I guess what brought this all on was that in Animal Crossing there was a reminder about the fireworks shows in August again and I was reminded of last summer.

I do want to make it a little get together for old time's sake. I mean the firework shows in August are every Sunday running from 7 to midnight and it was always a nice time to play the game. I know a lot of people don't do much on Sundays so it is a good time to play.
I just don't know if anyone else is up for it...
If they are I hope it becomes a tradition. It would be cool.
But yeah...I guess that's my Animal Crossing story. I don't know what's next for Animal Crossing, I heard they were thinking of a Wii U game which means I would have to buy yet another console...but I would be excited for it.
No I can't let this game take over my life forever but while they are still making games and I still have free time I will enjoy it. I don't exactly know what the obsession really is about but I always find myself playing it. I mean I currently am making Let's Plays of the Gamecube game as I finally am able to play it at a good speed.
So it will always be a part of my life and so I choose to embrace it.
Here's to 8-ish years of playing Animal Crossing and many more to follow. x

Friday, 25 July 2014

Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer!

I need to talk about this.
I have waited all week for this.
What can I say other than: OH MY GOD.
First thing: Mr Grey will see you now
She walks into his office and there is the voice over of Kate asking Ana what he is like. He was polite, intense, smart, really intimidating. You can't see his face yet, but you definitely see the rest of him as he moves around his office. Looking mighty fine might I add.
So she asks him if he has any interests outside of work and he says he's more interested in knowing more about her. What she likes.
Being self conscious, Ana replies that there is not much to know, I mean look at me.
Then we see him. And he replies with I am.

Literally from that point.
Next thing, Ana is walking back into the elevator and the doors close slowly and it's all dramatic and it's amazing...
Next shot, Christian getting his photo taken by Jose. Looking mighty fine again...I mean Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey is the best choice. I mean yes, we all kind of wish it was Robert Pattinson - the Twihard in me so does wish - but Jamie...he works it.

Ana asks him to what do you owe your success
Then Christian says I exercise control in all things Miss Steele - to which we all just die a little. Jamie's voice is so sexy. His accent is great, people say there's still a tiny bit of Irish in there but what can you do? Embrace it. I mean I love Jamie's natural voice anyway...it's amazing.
Ana then quips back with that must make you really boring
And he gives a little smile - the smile that says "if only you knew" and we all scream a little on the inside because we know...

There is no other way to say it haha the elevator scene.
Fuck the paperwork
It is so hot, and intense, and everything it's like...everything we could have asked for and more....I mean the way he grabs her arms and everything it's perfection and it's just... *fans self* there are no words to express how I feel...
There's a shot of Charlie Tango and we all fangirl because it's perfect.
Ana and Christian dancing, so sweet. I love it, it's so cute. And Christian explaining I'm incapable of leaving you alone and she's all then don't.
And we're all screaming DON'T too because Christian...you must stay with her...
Again Christian is saying I had a rough start in life you should stay clear of me with a scene of Ana walking towards Christian at his piano and then the infamous scene of him running.
Which we all saw that day they were filming.

Then Christian running to push Jose off of Ana that night at the bar. Which I think is one of my favourite scenes, before Ana spews all over the place haha. But yeah I loved that, it showed Christian's strength and his protectiveness over Ana and it just lasted for a second but that second was great.
Then Christian kissing Ana and Ana waking up alone. *sob* The kiss was very cute though...

Christian saying I don't do romance - which is probably a better way to say he's not a hearts and flowers kind of guy haha.
Meanwhile at dinner with the Greys he's totally feeling Ana up under the table...we see you Mr Grey...

I'd like to take this moment in time to tell you I am not a fan of Rita Ora's wig. Yeah, just putting it out there.
After that Ana gives Christian a warning look at the table and all of a sudden it's Christian walking across the room in his Playroom jeans looking sexy as all hell.
I mean the walk is very important, after Jamie went on the Graham Norton show talking about his walk it's all we need to focus on now haha. But I loved the walk, it was good, dominant, sexy...everything Christian Grey. I'm so proud that he learnt how to walk hahaha.

My tastes are very...singular. You wouldn't understand.
As he picks out a blindfold and we see Ana with her hands out in front of her...
Oh damn. We understand Mr Grey.
There's a scene where they are in the hydroplane and Ana looks so happy and so does Christian. That is another great scene. It's so carefree and adorable as they both just seem to have let go of the tension. It was really perfect.
Ana is now in bed and Christian takes off his shirt and leans towards her and it's like oh yes please Mr Grey....As Ana says enlighten me then...
Next thing you know he's at that door unlocking it...

We are all squirming in our seats as we are dying to get a glimpse of that Playroom. And no we definitely do not play Xbox in there Ana...
I love the expression on her face when he opens the door...

It's kind of like oh shit haha what am I getting myself into?
There's flashes of the things that are in the room, and then Christian with the riding crop to Ana's skin...Which is very intense and very hot and very everything that shouldn't be right but is....

A little phrase now comes to mind: We aim to please Ms Steele
I can't wait to hear Jamie say that...
Ana is now getting into the bath and Christian be oogling her in the mirror...the look on his face though, very sexy.

Then we see him carrying her down the hallway, which is a very sweet moment...

But only for a second because the next thing you see is Ana restrained and looking like she's having a good time...and then Beyonce's voice comes in at the end. It fades to black...
And we are all sitting there slamming that replay button like OH MY GOD.
I mean...I was a mess after it. Which is horrible since I was in a public place when I watched this for the first time. Which is probably not the best idea because it was very VERY hot. I mean it was perfect, I couldn't have imagined it any better. It was what it needed to be.
I loved it. I love all of it. I can't wait for the movie...
I wish I could try and explain more of how I feel but literally it's just... asdfghjkl; all the fangirl feels...
I think we should all just take a moment to thank the actors, the production crew, E L James and everyone else involved because I can tell you the next few years are going to get intense as this series progresses.
Now all we have to do is find a way to survive until February next year...
All photo credit goes to jamie-dornan.org they are the number one source for Jamie Dornan news and I love them for that x

Sunday, 20 July 2014

When Fandoms Collide

I have an issue on my Twitter timeline.
Ian Somerhalder has been seen getting close with Nikki Reed. The photos suggest they are a couple.
Everyone is FREAKING OUT because Nikki is Nina Dobrev's friend and Nina and Ian used to go out.
People are literally attacking Nikki because of this.
And I'm over here like...why?
We all know the girl code okay. We all saw Mean Girls.
"Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends okay?! That's like the rules of feminism!"
But what I really hate is that they make Nikki out to sound like a man stealer. Which she isn't.
I mean I haven't really heard of Nina and Ian being a thing for a while. I swear they broke up a long time ago...While I admit to never have paying much attention to their relationship people on Twitter definitely talked about it.
As for Nikki, she was married but then she got a divorce, I think it was earlier this year and I was sad about that because I thought they were good together. But at the same time it was understandable why they broke up.
I know Nina and Nikki are friends because they did an advert campaign thing for health insurance in America. Everyone saw it I'm sure...
Now I'm on Twitter and people are freaking out because of these photos of Nikki and Ian and saying horrible things about Nikki and being upset because they can never see Nina and Ian together again.
Personally I think it's a bit of an overreaction.
I mean as fangirls we due tend to ship intensely. But we are not in control of these people's lives.
We can ship and fantasise but at the end of the day it is what it is.
I don't understand how bitching about someone is going to change it because let's face it, when you're dating a super hot guy and the world hates you for it would you really care? Or would you be super happy and in love and not give a fuck? Like really...
Plus what annoys me is that no one is saying anything about how Ian feels. I mean relationships include two people. If they both like each other they can be together, there is no real law that says they can't...and people are acting like they know exactly how it happened and it annoys me.
It will always annoy me when people try to say that they know how something happened when they don't. I mean things in the media are reported all the time, photos can be deceiving...no one ever fully knows what is going on in someone else's life.
Maybe I sound a little hypocritical because at the time of Rob and Kristen's relationship issues I was a full on shipper - still am. I refuse to be told otherwise unless it can be proven they are so not together. And the thing is we may never know. And people will hate on them if they are together because everyone will think Rob was stupid for giving Kristen another chance but honestly it isn't our business.
I love celebrity gossip as much as the next person but I will never hate on someone because of who they are dating. You don't have to agree with their choice but at least respect it.
Anyway back to this Nikki, Ian, Nina thing...
If watching TV and dealing with similar real life things have taught me anything it's that...if you like someone and you want to be with them you will be, no matter what is standing in your way.
People change and move on and we have to accept that no matter how painful it is.
If Nina was a good friend she'd be happy for them, if Nikki was a good friend she would have made sure Nina was okay with it, and if Ian was a good friend and a gentleman he wouldn't have done anything unless it was okay with Nina too.
Like really...
I just...I don't know...
I think it's weird for people to get this upset over this.
I know I have gotten worked up over a lot of things that looking back seem ridiculous but...after everything I know that there's no use getting worked up over something you can't change.
And what's worse is getting worked up about something that doesn't even really concern you, like this.
There are way more things that we could be concerned about in the world...
But at the end of the day for me? I want to be happy for them, while no I had never imagined them being together I think it's cool. I like when actors from different things I watch hang out and this is really no different.
Yes, Nina and Ian had a great relationship but it seems as though it wasn't meant to be...
So yeah, I just feel like people can't get mad at Nikki as she might not have done anything. We don't know the full story and we never will. Not unless you personally know any of these actors and are like best friends with them.
I personally just think people should calm down...
I did tweet about this but I needed to say more about it because 140 characters wasn't enough...

I'm a Sone now?

I just posted a video to YouTube talking about my newest obsession: Girls' Generation.
I have made a blog post about them here before but I feel like this video sums things up perfectly. :P

Monday, 14 July 2014

Summer of YouTube

So far since summer has started for me the thing I tend to do most is spend time on YouTube.
Don't get me wrong I still play Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life on a regular basis but YouTube is definitely my huge thing.
YouTube has always been a big part of my life since I became part of the internet. That sounds weird but I definitely am a part of the internet with all my social media.
Anyway this year I have been very into YouTube because I have started to make videos. And this time I am trying to take it seriously.
I have made YouTube videos before but they were never to be taken seriously - that is why those channels have been deleted.
Plus this time I am actually creating content myself I used to be one of those people who tried to make lyric videos or made really bad Windows Movie Maker videos because I could never find something interesting to make a video about.
I have always wanted to try vlogging though. I don't really know why I just thought it might be fun.
With the discovery of all these YouTubers that put themselves out there I thought I could be one too.
Mostly because I tend to put a lot of myself on the internet. It's just another platform for me to do it on.
I don't consider myself to be anything special though. I just like to make videos. Which I think is what everyone really feels when they start on YouTube. Although I realise now that people realise you can get famous on YouTube that is what they aim for.
I'm no aiming for YouTube fame though. That's not what I want. Yes, it would be an amazing opportunity to be "YouTube famous" but I feel like a lot of YouTubers are on YouTube for a higher reason. A bigger aspiration. Many want to be actors/directors/film makers. And they are able to use YouTube as a way to do that.
As for me, I just wanted to mess around with a camera and try to create things that weren't so sucky.
So I do end up spending a lot of time on YouTube but I think it's a lot of fun and it makes me feel more productive than just sitting around doing nothing all day. At least with YouTube I am doing something that is productive which is seen through the videos that I post.
I mean I don't know if I want to keep doing this forever but I just wanted to take a step into that world.
So far I have 22 subscribers and about half of them I know in real life. I mean we all have to start somewhere.
But yeah I don't know I just wanted to blog about this. I don't even know if there was a point to this. I just haven't made a blog post in a while and so I thought I would make one about this. So yeah.
I mean I have always thought of myself as more of a blogger than a vlogger but who knows? Maybe I can do both. I mean technically I already am. :P