Monday, 31 March 2014

Random Sims 3 Screenshots

So over the past few save games I have made on the Sims I have taken random screenshots. I have no idea why I have half of these. I think most of them was accidental but you know, I have never not been the person to share random things I find on my computer.
So please enjoy haha.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Fifty Shades Teaser Trailer

No I haven't seen it...because who has?
Anyway when I heard I died.
Like in the over dramatic fangirl way you do...
Guys...I can't even take it. I really want this movie. I need it.
I mean it's been about a month since we actually heard anything about the movie and so this is big news.
I have gathered some sources of what the teaser trailer contained as shown below:

First off, I just want to say thanks to the Jamie Dornan fansites of the world. I mean where would we be without them?
I don't follow the Turkish one but that was on Tumblr so I decided to take it.
So yeah...
I'm mega excited.
Like imagining Jamie and Dakota and these scenes. I mean guys...
Even reading about it gets me excited and it's not just the parts where it mentioned the kinky...
It's everything.
The words they speak, the fact you see the coffee shop and hardware store, which were the scenes we got set photos from which is nothing that new but it's still good.
But really the whole thing about the blindfold and the kissing and the looks and everything else...
Basically...everything in this trailer sounds amazing and it's only the TEASER for the ACTUAL trailer and so I am kind of dying to see it.
I wish I had better words to describe it but you know as a fangirl it is so hard to get the words to come to you haha. I mean normally we speak in complete gibberish so you know it's a surprise I am even coming out with proper sentences.
But yes, to say I'm excited is an understatement.
And tomorrow I'm going to go into school and tell people about this and they will not really care and have no idea what I'm talking about.
Also while all this happened I was thinking, if I freak out this much about a trailer? There is no way I could handle meeting Jamie Dornan in real life. I would actually die but that would be okay because I would have met Jamie and things would be fine.
Anyway yeah, I hope they give us a trailer soon, I mean they are making us wait a YEAR for the movie, it's the LEAST they could do.

Friday, 21 March 2014


So I have been playing Sims 3 lately. In case you didn't know, I make Let's Plays on my YouTube channel of Sims 3 with the Sims I made that look like Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl...
Anyway yeah so I have another save game which I like to play not for YouTube and I just thought I'd share some things about it.
One thing is...I really like Sims 3 Seasons. I mean my season setting thing is the default one which means seasons pass quickly but you know I've finally experienced all four and I have to say that winter is my favourite.
I mean I really like snow and because we don't  get it a lot here it's always nice to experience it in games. Mostly Sims and Animal Crossing. Plus having snow in games is always prettier than real life because in games you don't see the snow turn to slush...
Anyway yeah so of course I had to get my Sim to make a snowman...
Sorry if the quality isn't the best, I took this on my phone haha.
Anyway yeah it's cool, I also really liked Sims 2 Seasons but when I was playing it, it slowed my laptop down a lot and so I had to get rid of it. I now have a really good computer so I have all the Sims 3 games.
I just think it adds more to the game so it isn't constantly sunny which isn't that realistic.
And another thing I've recently experienced is that my Sim was getting married and she had a bachelorette party and there were strippers.
Okay not exactly but like dancing shirtless firemen...yeah.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested after that haha.
I mean I was wondering if Sims was gonna do anything like that for a bachelorette party and they came through so I'm really happy about that haha.
That's what I think is so fun about Sims...that it is realistic to a point, I mean it would suck if it wasn't.
But yeah...I don't know. I feel like I should blog more about other things while still talking about Glee, Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars.
I mean I am part of more fandoms than that. Which sounds like I spend all my time fangirling but really I'm a kind of calm fangirl. I did start out a little insane though, in my Twilight days I was seriously like...a Directioner. I was that enthusiastic. But yeah I managed to tone it down...but every so often I will freak out and squeal and be that type of person.
But as you get older you have to conceal that side of yourself. I don't think people take you as seriously once they see that part of you.
Anyway yeah, I still have loads to experience in Sims 3 which is crazy since Sims 4 is going to be released soon. It's just that I have never had a computer with the right specs for Sims 3 until now and I am definitely taking advantage. What a levels? Hahaha.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Twitter is Down!

At first I thought that this was just something that was happening to me but I don't think's not often you see this:

I mean how depressing?
Especially for me.
I turned to Twitter in my time of fangirl need. Basically because everyone hated me for making so many Facebook statuses about Twilight.
So I like to feel proud of myself when I say I've had Twitter since 2009.
Oh yeah, I've been around a long time.
Which would explain why I got annoyed when everyone started to get Twitter. It was worse when they followed me. Mostly because I knew they would not put up with the tweeting if they didn't like my Facebook statuses...
Like most of the people I go to school with have followed me on Twitter at one point or another, yet unfollowed me when they realised just how much I actually tweet.
It used to offend me but I guess I'm kind of used to it.
It's not like I follow them because I care a lot about what they have to everyone I want to know everyone else's business haha.
Anyway I tend to tweet a lot. I actually recently just passed by 28,000th tweet so I feel special.
Although really in light of recent events I think this should be a good thing and that maybe I need to step away from Twitter for a while. I mean I guess I should but it's not something that's easy to do.
I guess you could say I have a bit of an addiction but I don't think it's that bad. I mean I can do daily things without wanting to tweet about it or hashtag things too much...
It's just that when I have nowhere else to go I usually turn to Twitter. I don't even know why, I  guess because for those 140 characters you can learn a lot about people.
In my experience Twitter has not always been a good thing, people use it to indirect tweet and get nasty and it's not as if I'm an exception. I'm just saying...for the most part my experience with Twitter has been great.
Like most social networking sites, it's my own little bubble. A place where I can share my thoughts and other people can also share theirs.
Sometimes I dread to think about what I used to post haha. But really I can see myself using it until the day it runs into the ground although I don't see that happening anytime soon.
It just makes me sad that it's down right now but I guess all websites must go down at one point or another for maintenance.
Except for Google.....they got that shit under control haha.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Camp Takota

Because I'm a big watcher of YouTube...I had to watch Camp Takota.
I like Grace Helbig and Hanna Hart, I hadn't heard of Mamrie until the you know it was a movie I had to see.
I thought it was good, although I haven't seen a lot of movies about camp? I've only seen two and they were both Camp Rock...
Anyway this one didn't have a lot of singing and dancing so that was fine haha.
It's so weird to see YouTubers do something outside of their YouTube thing. Although I'm really glad this didn't turn out like the Fred movie...because you know that was kind of awful... *ahem*
I think that the story had a good tale to it. I mean it's one of those feel good movies and it's also cliche in all the right places.
One thing I really liked was that Sawyer appeared as the "Robert Pattinson" of this world. I mean he totally fits the description and he's amazing and it was really great haha.
Also I really liked how Grace stayed herself, I mean some of the lines were just very Grace. I guess it was weird for me because I only recently started watching her videos and I'm not used to seeing so much of her? That sounds weird but you know what I mean.
And then the whole idea of camp...I mean I don't know. Like because in the UK we don't do the whole summer camp thing I've never experienced anything like it but it seems like it would be cool. Especially if you had YouTubers as councillors haha.
I actually don't have as much to say on this as I thought I would. Haha. I mean you don't really know what to expect when you see that YouTubers have made it big but it's kind of amazing. To think you can start out randomly talking in front of your camera and you can become famous.
I'm so proud of all the YouTubers that make it big. Something about their story seems much more real than anything else. Because you can actually see how hard they work for things. But I don't include Justin Bieber in this..because he doesn't make videos on a weekly/daily basis, he doesn't edit and write scripts. He just sings and well...yeah look where he is now..
Anyway yeah I would be interested to see if Grace, Hanna and Mamrie ever do another movie or something? I mean you never know and it seems like every movie that comes out now has the potential for a sequel. :P
Here's hoping. x

Thursday, 6 March 2014


This will be short but...
In biology we were learning about the stages of mitosis. Yeah cells, dividing, great.
Yet the whole time all I could think about was Twilight.
My friends don't get it but like...the first conversation they ever had, they were looking at the stages of mitosis. Maybe I've seen the movie too many times...
But I mean I knew I had heard the words before somewhere... Prophase, metaphase, anaphase... yeah it's from Twilight haha.
I did go through this phase in my life where I could relate anything back to Twilight and then sometimes it just happens without even trying.
I feel it's important to keep these things alive, because even though the movies are over, it doesn't mean the fandom is. I mean from Twitter I know we are still going strong. Even if I don't always think about it or talk about it, it's there.
It sounds weird but as something that took over my life for about 3 years it is a big deal haha.
So yeah...that's all. :P

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Scary Movies

So I was at my friend's house last night at a sleepover and we decided to watch Mama and The Purge. They are supposed to be scary although not really. And because I am on a roll about talking about things I thought I would give my thoughts on these two movies.
Well to be fair every so often this one got interrupted, whether it was us getting food or talking about something that had nothing to do with the movie haha. But either way it wasn't that scary. It was creepy and jumpy but not scary. Like I don't know, I thought there was going to be way worse stuff and honestly I was totally fine through the whole thing.
I am not a scary movie fan, it's not that they scare me it's that I don't see the point. That whole movie genre is lost on me because it's not that fascinating? Basically I have no idea why people like to watch movies about serial killers...even though I am really into the Fall... Moving on...
Basically I didn't really understand what was going on. I mean I did eventually but like...I didn't like it.
It wasn't that creepy. It was kind of like Paranormal Activity in a way.
Also I loved how my friends kept yelling "DON'T DO THAT YOU IDIOT" at the characters. Haha, totally set the mood.
Plus the ending was kind of terrible. Like no one really spoke for the whole last twenty minutes of the movie and it was like...okay...
So Mama takes the kids and jumps off the cliff to live in peace? That's normal. Well actually she only takes the one girl but I guess that was enough?
I don't know, it was kind of awkward how the girl enjoyed being with Mama, although if you'd been with them for so long I guess it would be normal to you. I just think it's plain weird.
Anyway on to the next movie!
The Purge:
Now this one wasn't scary at all. It was more thriller and action. And I enjoyed it more.
Again my friends were yelling that the people were idiots. Which they were, especially the kid, if he had just left things alone it would have been fine. But nope...he felt bad for the guy.
Okay in reality I would have felt bad too but I would not have risked opening up the shutters to save one guy.
And then the boyfriend. Well I knew what he was up to from the start. My friend didn't believe me but I knew the boyfriend was only there to kill the dad. I mean the one night a year you can get away with murder and you wonder why your boyfriend snuck into your house? Yeah, exactly.
I mean her dad was never gonna let her be with him, so the only solution was to kill him - although that didn't work out.
Plus the girl was crazy to get mad at her dad. I mean come on, if someone tried to kill your parents no matter who they were I'd cut them off.
This movie also showed me nothing good comes from having a giant house...not really anyway. Like yes it could save your life but it could also ruin it. Like having this random bleeding dude running through it...
And then you have the polite purger people.
Oh my God.
The Polite Leader was my favourite.
He is so awesome, even though he's a dick and needed to die but you know what, he was great. The way he talked and everything, he didn't even need a mask he just has that face. Plus I was wondering where I knew him from, he was in Home and Away back in the day, my mum watches it and so I knew who he was. I can't believe he's the same person hahaha.
Anyway yeah, these purgers come in, go on a killing spree which doesn't exactly work to their favour. And just as the dad is about to get away with killing half of them, Polite Leader appears and stabs him like BAM.
Can't say I'm surprised.
The thing is...if there are a bunch of killers in your house and you're dying you shouldn't really make it easier for your family to get killed by calling them towards you. I mean yeah okay again that's kind of heartless but let's be real, would you rather all your family die or just you?
And then the neighbours come over and it's like "we can't let those guys kill you, because that's our job."
I mean that was expected from the start. But thank God for the stranger that guy let in at the beginning! You know I'm surprised he stayed alive that long, I thought he would have bled to death or something...
Anyway yeah the purge ends, they all sit awkwardly at the dining table and it's like...yeah...see you guys next year!
So in short Mama sucked, but the Purge was good. Although I hope this doesn't actually become American society in the year 2022...I mean...let's just not do that. If anything the movie sends a message that it's not always the best solution.
Hopefully we do work out something to bring peace but let's just not do it this way. Because me and my friends got to talking about who might kill us if that was a real thing...and it wasn't hard to think of at least one person. *ahem*
Anyway yeah, the rest of the night was spent on chat roulette and omegle which was hilarious...hahaha

The Dornan Walk

Well this is just a short appreciation post for Jamie's appearance on the Graham Norton show.
I just wanted to say that I loved it. He is just so funny and charming and amazing.
Like Graham said he's a sexy serial killer and if he came to kill you, well I don't think you'd really mind haha.
Also his walking skills...damn hahaha. I never noticed how he walked but sure now every time I see him walking I'll be watching for the walk he uses. Haha.
I was talking to my friend and he says he also walks like Jamie, going "from toe to like, more toe" hahahaha so he has something in common with Jamie Dornan. So if he meets Jamie he has something to talk about with him hahahaha.
I seriously don't know what else to say about Jamie's appearance on the show other than I did love every minute it of it and the fact he's growing his beard back for the Fall is amazing.
I'm just so excited for all the press that comes with Fifty Shades of Grey and not forgetting the four months Jamie and I are in the same area at the same time. I am way to excited about it. Although I know if he actually came to my town I might combust or something haha.
Here's hoping though, I'd really love to meet him. Hehe. :)